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Patriarch III. Archbishop Vincent Waterman. 
Feast of Vincent III  Celebrated Fourth Sunday of January
Welcome to the official website of the ANGLICAN CHURCH WORLDWIDE (ACW). We are Anglicans of the Traditional Anglican Faith sharing the richness of the love of God as the world changes around us. We extend ourselves to all countries and communities to lend and share the refreshment of their faith. With this site we hope to reach lost souls and introduce them to the GRACE OF GOD, solely and steadfastly abiding by His Holy Word. Look around our website.  We hope that you will find information that is of interest to you and that your visit will be a blessing to you. Join in the discussion, share your thoughts, as we in the ACW continue....

“Reaching out to the World and……Beyond   

"Under the Protection of the Cross"





 “Watch How You Go”

The ACW Family 


Reaching Out to the World and..... Beyond
Under the Protection of the Cross

Disclaimer: This is the original and authorized version of the Anglican Church Worldwide website.

We assume no responsibility for the contents and/or publication of any site created after our initial publication date.