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Liturgy > The Mass and Manner Of Making A Deacon


The Mass and Manner of
Making a Deacon 
The Call to Worship
The Collect 
Processional & Processional Hymn 
The Kyrie Elision
The Collect of Ordination
The Word of God  
The First Lesson  
The Sequence Hymn
The Holy Gospel
The Gospel Introit                                                                                                                                                                                        
The Sermon
The Rite of Ordination
PRESENTER:  REVEREND Father in God, we present unto you these persons to be admitted Deacon within the Church of God.

ARCHBISHOP:  TAKE heed that the persons, whom ye present unto us, be apt and meet, for their learning and godly conversation, to exercise their Ministry duly, to the honor of God, and the edifying of his Church.

PRESENTER:  I HAVE inquired and also examined them, and think them so to be.

BISHOP:  BRETHREN, if there be any of you who knoweth any Impediment, or notable Crime, in any of these persons presented to be ordered Deacon, for which he ought not to be admitted to that Office, let him come forth in the Name of God, and show what the Crime or Impediment is.

If there be no objections the BISHOP: continues

THAT it may please thee to bless these thy servants, now to be admitted to the Order of Deacons, and to pour thy grace upon them; that they may duly execute their Office, to the edifying of thy Church, and the glory of thy holy Name;

Litany for Ordinations                                                
The Lord’s Prayer
The Collect
The Epistle                                               
BISHOP:   DO you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon you this Office and Ministration, to serve God for the promoting of his glory, and the edifying of his people?
Answer:  I trust so.
BISHOP:  Do you think that you are truly called, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, and according to the Canons of this Church, to the Ministry of the same?
Answer:  I think so 
       BISHOP:  Are you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures contain all Doctrine required as necessary for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ?
Answer:  I am so persuaded   
BISHOP:  Will you diligently read the same unto the people assembled in the Church where you shall be appointed to serve
Answer:  I will so do, by the help of God.
BISHOP:  It appertaineth to the Office of a Deacon, in the Church where you shall be appointed to serve, to assist the Priest in Divine Service, and especially when he ministereth the Holy Communion, and to help him in the distribution thereof; and to read Holy Scriptures and Homilies in the Church; and to instruct the youth in the Catechism; in the absence of the Priest to baptize infants; and to preach, if he be admitted thereto by the Bishop. And furthermore, it is this Office, where provision is so made, to search for the sick, poor, and impotent people of the Parish, that they may be   with the alms of the Parishioners, or others. Will you do this gladly and willingly 
Answer:  I will so do, by the help of God.

BISHOP:  Will you apply all your diligence to frame and fashion your own life and the lives of your families, according to the Doctrine of Christ; and to make both yourselves and them, as much as in you lieth wholesome examples of the flock of Christ
Answer I will do so, the Lord being my helper

BISHOP:  Will you reverently obey your Bishop, and other Chief Ministers, who, according to the Canons of the Church, may have the charge and government over you; following with a glad mind and will their godly admonitions
Answer: I will endeavor so to do, the Lord being my helper.

Then, the People standing, the Bishop shall lay his Hands severally upon the Head of every one to be made Deacon, humbly kneeling before him, and shall say,

BISHOP: TAKE thou Authority to execute the Office of a Deacon in the Church of God committed unto thee; In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then shall the Bishop deliver to every one of them the New Testament, saying,

TAKE thou Authority to read the Gospel in the Church of God, and to preach the same, if thou be thereto licensed by the Bishop himself.

The Deacon Introduced

Then shall the Bishop proceed in the Communion; and all who are Ordered shall tarry, and receive the Holy Communion the same day, with the Bishop.

The Offertory Hymn
The Great Thanksgiving
The Communion Hymn   

The Communion ended, after the last Collect, and immediately before the Benediction, shall be said this Collect following.

THE Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen.

The Dismissal 
The Recessional Hymn                             
The Benediction
Celebrant: Go in peace this Mass is ended                                                     
People: Thanks be to God



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