2 Oct 2020
The ACW regrets to announce its first known covid-19 death within our St Mary’s parish in Albuquerque New Mexico. At the family's request we were asked not to publish her name. She was 27. We remember her from our visit in 2017 and while there was not much one on one conversation, the entire community was most gracious to us, she was a part of it. Since then we have lost 4 more in our ACW family.
It is sad when we lose a love one, but many in our respective communities are not following the guidelines of our health officials protecting themselves and others by not wearing a mask. We must not be confused by the lack of political leadership who bluster before the cameras not wearing mask, egged on by their so-called political base, while a 1000 lives are lost daily. To the politicians they are just another number, they are not with you when pain hits your door and a love one is taken away from you; this is not a movie script where the hero dies, who gets up, pick up a paycheck and make another movie, thus the ACW implores you when leaving your home...
We extend in our prayers for all families around the world to be responsible in their outdoor activities, especially young people where its reported that 57% of covid deaths are under 40-years including kids aged 5-10. The pandemic holds no friendships and is merciless in its roving destructible vengeance, please...
++Hartley, Presiding Bishop of the ACW